How is this different from Release Radar?
While the idea is similar, there are notable features that set Tracknack apart from Release Radar or Discover Weekly.
Follow artists featured in album credits
With additional data from Discogs, Tracknack is able to look into album and track credits to find music by producers, songwriters, composers or sound engineers that don’t even have a dedicated profile on Spotify - but that doesn’t mean the music they have worked on isn’t there!
Follow record labels
If you enjoy following record labels that tend to put out music you like, with Tracknack you can get their latest releases automatically. Some labels have playlists of their full discography on Spotify but it’s difficult to find and keep track of them since you don’t get notified when they are updated.
Get more control over music discovery
With Tracknack’s email notifications and features for exploring added tracks you know exactly when and why a track has been added. You can also determine your playlist update frequency to make it happen on a daily, weekly or monthly basis depending on your needs.
Tracknack doesn’t curate
With Tracknack you’ll always get all of the new music from artists and labels you follow as soon as they’re found by our system as opposed to a limited collection of tracks every week.
No sponsored content
Spotify tend to promote big artists, which makes their playlists work as vehicles for targeted advertising to a certain extent.
Discover by musical connection
Tracknack takes a different approach to music discovery compared to Discover Weekly. On Tracknack you discover artists by their connections to artists or labels you like, while Discover Weekly looks for music that other listeners put together with music you like. Neither approach is better than the other, but they're different!
Frequently asked questions
What’s a follow?
How can I follow producers and songwriters and not just solo artists?
How are tracks selected for the playlist?
Will I get notified when my playlist is updated?
How do AI recommendations work?
What do you do with my Spotify profile data?
What’s in the future for Tracknack?
Have an idea or feedback?
If you have any comments about Tracknack or would like Tracknack to have a specific feature, let us know via email!